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TypePlatform leverancier
SectorNiet sector specifiek
Telefoon+31 6 303 23 535

AdresDerde Hoeve 68
Postcode2676 CS

We connect people with the world of things to make them relevant

LinkThings provides the full solution to transform your devices into connected objects. Send sensor data to the cloud. Analyze and visualize your data. Trigger a (re)action.

The LinkThings Cloud platform provides the complete software solution for device vendors and businesses to roll-out smart IoT M2M applications. This all to make company processes more agile and make cost efficiency within reach.

  • Collect. Send sensor data to the cloud.
  • Analyze. Analyze and visualize your data.
  • Act. Trigger a reaction.

LinkThings Cloud features

  • Real-time data collection and storage
  • Analytics and visualizations
  • Alerts
  • Scheduling
  • Device communication
  • Open API
  • Geolocation data

LinkThings company info

  • LinkThings is a startup with strong core beliefs;
  • Bringing vertical separated businesses together will lead to disruptive opportunities in both businesses;
  • Everything LinkThings does should contribute to a more sustainable world.